Marketing Solutions


Client Experience

Our longer-term relationships

Marketing Solutions has over 25 years' experience in working with a range of clients.


Media Relations


For over a decade Marketing solutions has been working closely with SABIC to develop campaigns that maximize media exposure for SABIC as the global leader in industrial polymers. Our objective is to reach industrial decision makers across vertical industries and create a continuous presence for SABIC across printed, digital and social media channels. Together with SABIC we focus on formulating key messages and evaluating which trends are relevant to different vertical markets and their corresponding media, creating story lines that are meaningful and appeal to the target audiences. Through a pro-active dialogue with the editors we are able to select the right editorial opportunities - balancing advertisements and editorial input to optimize effectiveness and offering a mix of feature articles, one-on-one interviews, new product announcements, application stories, customer testimonials, white papers and of course good photography. Over the years we have been able to increase SABIC’s share of voice in key media and drive interest with SABIC’s audiences and create business opportunities.


Event Management

Songwon stand

Back in 2006, SONGWON’s strategic decision to move into a global leadership position in polymer additives, meant making investment in capacity, resources, products and presence. Marketing Solutions was appointed as an integral partner to the SONGWON leadership team to create a communications program that would deliver key messages to the target audiences. Since then, we have developed multi-channel communications plans to create awareness for SONGWON and maximize SONGWON’s participation at 5 consecutive K-shows – providing a turn-key event approach including development of positioning and messaging, creating stand concept, coordination of stand build, technical and hospitality service and communications tools such as microsite, customer mailings and product literature. At the heart of all communications sits the media relations program including press conferences, a regular flow of news stories and one-on-one briefings with the key trade journals; leveraging our excellent contacts with the chemical and plastics trade press, Marketing Solutions continues telling SONGWON's story of innovation and leaders.